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There are few things worse than laying in bed, awake, knowing that you have to be up in a few short hours for a busy day that demands all of your attention. The next time you are having trouble sleeping, here are a few easy tips that might help:

  1. Get out of bed. Lying in bed wide awake is the worst thing you can do. Your bed is for sleeping, so if you want to think, or read, or watch TV, do it elsewhere.
  2. Drink a warm glass of milk. Now, this may be an old wives’ tale, but if it’s psychosomatic, and it works, then it works.
  3. Shave. It takes up a few minutes of your morning routine, so you might as well do it now and get an extra snooze in.
  4. Go for a walk around the block. Sometimes some fresh air is enough to clear your head.
  5. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. More of a mental note for next time.
  6. Read a really boring book. If you don’t have a book, this list should do.
  7. Do puzzles. Sudoko and crosswords are a great way to take your mind off whatever it is that’s keeping you up.
  8. Do some stretching. Heavy exercise will get your heart rate up and make it hard for you to sleep. However, some easy stretching will get the blood moving enough to calm you, without exertion.
  9. Do some work. If you can’t sleep, you might as well get a jump on the work you have to do tomorrow.
  10. Look into a new mattress. Many times, if you can’t sleep, it’s the mattress that’s to blame. Start looking for a new one right there and then. This blog is a good place to start, as research is just as important as feel. Good luck and happy dreaming!
Don't read in bed!

Don't read in bed!