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A good night’s sleep is important for mood, productivity, general health and even proper communication. The average person needs a minimum of 8 hours of sleep a night. If you find that you fall asleep instantly, or that you need an alarm clock to wake up, then you are one of the 63 million North Americans that is not getting a proper sleep.

To be mentally sharp, creative, energetic and happy all day long, you need a proper sleep. A third of your life is spent sleeping.

You are still working at night. It doesn’t seem like it, as those clothes are still unfolded in the morning, but your mind is working overtime on a subconscious level to ensure that your life is organized on a mental level. Sleep is important! No wonder people who lack sleep are often confused and chaotic in their waking life.

Sleep can help you organize your life.

Sleep can help you organize your life.